Breakdown of Training Methods

This article explains key training methods and acronyms used in the fitness program, including Reps in Reserve (RIR), Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), and As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP). It also covers techniques like drop sets, cluster sets, and rest pause sets, along with tempo and rest guidelines to optimize workouts.

This article explains key training methods and acronyms used in the fitness program, including Reps in Reserve (RIR), Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), and As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP). It also covers techniques like drop sets, cluster sets, and rest pause sets, along with tempo and rest guidelines to optimize workouts.

RIR - Reps In Reserve

RIR refers to your Reps In Reserve

Broken down this means for example:

3 = 3 reps from unassisted failure
2 = 2 reps from unassisted failure
1 = 1 rep from unassisted failure
0 = Failure

RPE - Rate of Perceived Exertion

RPE stands for "Rate of Perceived Exertion", this is where you will give your own rating to how hard a set of the exercise is.

RPE is a rating out of 11.
11: Finished the set with compromised form and/or a spot.
10: Could not have done another rep with good form.
9: Had 1 more rep left in the tank
8: Had 2 more reps left in the tank

AMRAP - As Many Reps As Possible

AMRAP refers to As Many Reps As Possible and may mean you need to either:

Go to failure if the RIR is listed as 0 or do as many reps as you can with the given weight to the RIR allocated.


Please follow the allocated rest period closely as we want to ensure you are not resting to little or too long. Could range anywhere between 60 seconds and 120 seconds.


The tempo column where you see 4 numbers such as 2010 can be read as:

2 - eccentric (lengthening phase)
0 - pause (between lengthen and shortening phase)
1 - concentric (shortening or contraction phase)
0 - isometric contraction (the 'squeeze' at the peak contraction)

If you see an 'X' it means to do with power/speed.


The FAM approach is a sure way of hitting an intended RIR of 1-2 in all sets by taking away the potential error margin in your rate of perceived exertion by asking to you train within 0-2 reps from failure in set 1 and beyond with a shorter rest period.

If a target is set at 3 sets x15-20 reps, your 1st set should use the maximum weight tolerable to achieve as close to 20 reps as possible. All following sets will then sustain the same weight and provided reps remain within the target range, this wont change for all sets.


Top set and back off set. Top set to be your heaviest set for allocated number of reps (6-10 rep range) and 2nd set to be a lighter set for allocated reps (8-15 rep range)


A1 - Barbell Hip Thrust
A2 - Walking Lunges

Would mean you do a set of hip thrust, followed immediately by a set of walking lunges, then you would rest and repeat for the allocated sets.


Standard set. First set to be your heaviest set and the weight will drop as you go.


Drop sets - With this method, you do the allocated number of reps, drop the weight by 20-30% and then you go to absolute failure without resting in between.


Cluster sets - are those which main sets are broken into several parts. For example, instead of a set of 9, we might do 3 sets of 3 with allocated rests in between.


Rest pause sets - you do the allocated number of reps, rest for 20s without changing the weight, then you do as many reps as you can do and reach failure.